milia = an ayurvedic perspective

Milia are small hardened lumps containing trapped keratin (dead skin cells), hardened sebum and cellular debris in the lower epidermal layer in the skin. They commonly form in the upper cheek, lower and upper eye lid area.

Although they present as congestion (kapha), they are actually a result of vata aggravation in the skin. Modern beauty methods usually recommend extraction via piercing the top of the milia to remove them. However, the Ayurvedic beauty approach requires rebalancing the excess vata to restore balance and correct function - thereby resolving the issue permanently. So what does this mean?

Excess vata dosha in the skin brings dryness and irregularity to the cell and it’s function. To correct this, the cell requires lots of water, nourishment (the correct oils) and movement (through cellular renewal and massage). Milia is a signpost that the body is not receiving adequate hydration and essential fatty acid nourishment, If we balance vata dosha, we eliminate milia.

Topical treatments; loads ( I mean a lot) of floral hydrosol misted onto the skin, mist under every oil, daily oil massage, regular kansa wand massage, raw honey cleansing or tapping, herbal ubtan (scrub) a few times to the affected area, avoid synthetic skincare or make up.

Internal treatments; increase essential fatty acid supplementation, ingest ghee, revisit your good quality oils in your diet and increase if suitable, check in with your fibre and protein intake, avoid drying, overly heating and processed foods, increase juicy and sweet fruits and vegies, swedana (sweat) everyday.

Questions to ask yourself; Am I depleted? How can I bring more fluidity and flow into my life? Where am I stuck? Is my nervous system nourished?

If you need further guidance or nourishment with this skin concern, book an Ayurvedic Flow Facial here.


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