What is Ayurvedic Facial Therapy?
Ayurvedic facial therapy is a holistic facial modality that is completely anchored in the wisdom of Ayurveda - the oldest holistic health science that originated in India 5000 years ago. Ayurveda literally means the science of life. Underpinning all Ayurvedic practices and treatments is an understanding of the five great elements (maha bhutas); air, ether, fire, water & earth and their corresponding qualities (gunas). These five great elements are the fundamental building blocks of all things in the universe; composing all things in our natural world and encompassing all living beings to function in harmony and peace. These elements, always around and within us, come together to form 3 intelligences or doshas; vata, pitta & kapha.
Our doshas provide a framework for understanding how the five elements interact with each other to create a state of balance or imbalance within the body. We are all born with a mind/body type; our prakruti or true nature. This is a particular doshic balance that is determined at birth. We all contain a mixture of all doshas, usually with a dominance of one or two. Over our lifetime, we can develop imbalances due to the delicate dance of our doshas in and around us. This can create our vikruti which is our imbalance state.
An Ayurvedic health approach is about creating rituals and practices that allow our doshic mind/body type to remain balanced, creating longevity, good health and radiance in all aspects of our being, over our lifetime. Ayurveda has long acknowledged that beauty and radiance are the direct result of what we put into and onto our body and mind in the form of diet, movement, beauty and healing rituals as well as our thoughts, feelings, emotions and spiritual practices. Beauty is interlinked with balanced health and the deeper sattvic ideals of love, truth, freedom, devotion and peace.
Ayurvedic facial therapy is more than just a holistic facial treatment, it is an invitation for you to have a deeper understanding of how your mind/body type creates your skin health and how you can create rituals and nourishment to bring radiance and a deeper connection to your true nature. It is about creating a sense of beauty in your life.
Ayurvedic facials are for a client who wishes to nourish and rebalance their skin in a way that acknowledges all the aspects that are creating the imbalance and who wants to live and thrive according to their own unique nature. Radiance and vitality are very easily accessible when our mind/body type is in balance.
During an Ayurvedic facial, we discuss your skin in terms of doshas and elements. We acknowledge that ‘like increases like’ and work with the qualities or gunas in your skin. Our goal is to reduce the excess and increase the lack, and in doing so, creating balance, vitality and optimum skin health. Topical skin products are always plant-based (with the exception of organic, local honey, milks & yogurt), herbal, high vibrational and use ancient herbal formulations that focus on balancing the doshas in your skin. If you cannot ingest it, it should not go on your skin. Olenation is key in this facial therapy; applying herbal oils to the skin with loving intention is a sacred Ayurvedic practice and all facial rituals will include olenation of the face, scalp, arms & hands and feet. This is a hands-on and massage focused modality; it is touch over high tech.
Each facial is a ritual, not just treating the skin but the emotional and energetic bodies as well. Your unique nature and predispositions and the doshic imbalance that manifest in your skin are taken into consideration. We address your skin in your treatment but also recommend lifestyle practices and rituals to bring balance to your mind & body, which is where many skin conditions manifest themselves according to Ayurveda.
This facial modality acknowledges the seasons within and around us. Seasonal changes are taken into consideration. The intention is to create balance and vitality, no matter the stage of life. It honours your whole being and focuses on ritual to truly nourish yourself each and every day. A deep honouring of your beauty and health from within.
Ayurvedic Facial Therapy is a nurturing, deeply restorative, rebalancing facial that really honours your whole being. It acknowledges that the pathway to skin health & radiance is not just about treating your skin, but about nourishing your doshas, and your body, mind and spirit. It is the ultimate practice of self-care and skin health.