Extractions + why i don’t perform them in an ayurvedic facial
Breakout is an indication that our pathways of elimination are not working efficiently and that our tissues are not adequately nourished. This can have origins in OJAS depletion (our immune function and lifeforce) and Agni imbalance (digestive fire issues). Target extracting in a facial will NOT solve the breakout or open the elimination channels to resolve the congestion and inflammation. Detoxification, oleation, lymphatic massage and increasing the water element (hydration) are my preferred ways of eliminating breakout in a facial rather than extracting.
The Ayurvedic approach to breakout, congestion, whiteheads, blackheads and clogging is attributable to an excess of kapha (oiliness) and pitta (inflammation) doshas, or a combination of both of these. The qualities of kapha are oily, cool, heavy, slow, sticky, unctuous, cloudy and moist. Usually evident in whiteheads, whitish pus, blackheads, congestion, slow to heal cystic acne. The qualities of pitta are hot, oily, sharp, pungent and spreading. Usually evident in inflamed breaout, yellowish pus and red acne filled with fluid.
Extractions may seem like the perfect remedy for these imbalances. However, not only can extracting cause damage to the skin tissue, spread inflammation or infection and cause pain to the skin; it is not getting to the root cause of the breakout. Ayurvedic beauty acknowledges 7 dhatus or tissues of the body. These dhatus are responsible for how we effectively nourish, support and protect ourselves. Our whole being health is reflected in how these tissues are nourished and functioning. Effective excretion is also a very important function of our tissues and this is a primary function of our skin.
Detoxification - It is time to get all channels and tissues functioning optimally. Nourishing your body with a focus on digestive fire (gut health), liver support and elimination pathways (sweat and bowel).
Oleation - Using great quality oils topically and internally to lubricate and nourish but also improve the quality of oil you are producing. Applying oils to the skin (the right oils) will not break you out. In fact, it is a practice of deep self love that can help detoxify and move excess doshas through the skin
Lymphatic Massage - Our in built waste filtration system. Manually moving our lymphatic system prevents excess kapha dosha from settling into the tissues. Stagnation is always indicated with congestion so movement helps to balance this out. Supporting our lymphatics is a must with any type of breakout. Steaming, massage, marma point and kansa wand are some of the ways we do this in Ayurvedic facials.
Increasing the water element (hydration) - To balance both excess kapha and pitta, the water in these doshas needs to be replenished. Fluidity and flow keeps everything in check. Optimum hydration of the whole body will eliminate a lot of congestion without other intervention.
Other useful things to consider when you are breaking out or experiencing congestion;
what are you having trouble ‘letting go’ of?
where are you having difficulty ‘going with the flow’ of life?
are you living and eating in alignment with the seasons?
is your diet kapha or pitta heavy?
are your topicals (skincare and make up) bringing a vibrational, nurturing energy to your skin?
where else are your experiencing a ‘stuckness’ in life and what needs to go
thank your skin for elimination, she is doing her job - with more nurturing and nourishing, this too shall pass